Taking a Step into the Unknown

I left my job two weeks ago. I am now exploring my own time without contractual responsibilities or income.

Ha! It’s still funny to say. I kind of can’t believe I had the courage to do it.

This is going to be fun.


Almost three months ago, in late March, it became clear that I needed to change the path I was moving forward on. For the past decade, I had built cool educational games and tools for creators with a team I loved. The work was fun, but ultimately the pull within was too real. It was time to go on my own journey to find my path. After all, the path is the goal.

One month later, in late April, I gave my boss the news. It was real.

I recorded this audio clip the day after I committed to leaving.

I talk about the future of conversation, skating to where the puck will be, designing information intake in new (AR/MR) interfaces, and the mission I’m now on. Enjoy. It’s off-the-cuff and in flow with my thought process on April 26. Things will always evolve, but this 17-minute clip summarizes my headspace as I design my future. It’s articulated much clearer than this post.

I will experiment with more audio in the future, so your thoughts on this medium are welcomed.

It would take another 6 weeks to wrap up my time at Capsim, and today marks Day 16 of temporary freedom/retirement/self-employment. I have done some talking about this on Twitter, but it is time to close the door on that time.

I loved the time. The time was real.

And now, onward.

There are a few more pieces related to my time at Capsim comingdesigns on the future of educational games, a proper release of Inbox: Product Management, and a number of tweets recounting the time.

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